
Andy Ryan grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and received his BA in photography from Northern Arizona University in 1997. He moved to New York City in 1999 and spent over 20 years there working as a freelance editorial and commercial photographer, traveling extensively as part of the job. He married painter Ky Anderson in 2009. His increased exposure to the world of contemporary painting through Anderson began his interest in starting a painting practice of his own one day.

In 2020, as the covid pandemic continued throughout the country, Ryan and Anderson moved from NYC to Kansas City. With the move, Ryan made career change and began to experiment with painting, developing a unique style and technique rooted in his experience growing up in the southwest and his uniquely wry sense of humor. Ryan is an active participant in the Kansas City arts scene and has participated in numerous group exhibitions. His first solo show was in early 2023 at the main Kansas City Public Library.


"My work is primarily watercolors on paper featuring experimental, abstract imagery that contain both absurdist humor and references to mysticism and spirituality. Faces, ghostly figures and botanical forms often emerge from overlapping shapes and gradient color fields. Mash-ups of myriad influences from childhood to present day, the paintings could be viewed as equal parts surreal landscape and meditative mindscape."

Andy Ryan
